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  With the optional parameter -test , a test run will be performed with no changes made to the destination:. ❿  

Imapcopy windows download - Latest commit


Recursively copy all e-mail messages and folders from one IMAP account to another. Work нажмите для деталей with our official CLI.

Learn more. Please sign in to use Codespaces. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. If nothing imapocpy, download Xcode and try again. There was a problem preparing your downloav, please try again. The purpose of imapcopy is either to be run directly on the source or the destination mail server, or at least remotely on downolad data-center server with a very high bandwidth.

This allows you to do a fast server-to-server doanload instead of using a client like Thunderbird, first downloading everything and then uploading imapcopy windows download again through a relatively slow home Нажмите для деталей connection. The configuration is passed as a mandatory file name parameter, pointing to the configuration file see Configuration. With the optional parameter -testa test downolad will be performed with no changes made to the destination:.

The second optional parameter -info leads to an output with information about the folders, i. Avoid imapcopy windows download change made to the source IMAP imapcopj, until you have completely copied it to the destination, especially if catan pc spiel download need to run imapcopy several times to get the job fully done, e.

This also includes new incoming messages being delivered to the source IMAP account. The reason is, wondows imapcopy counts all folders and their messages in the source IMAP account, before it actually starts copying them. The folder imapcopy windows download message numbers are used to indicate the copying progress. If you make changes to the source IMAP account, the folder and message numbers might change and you will have a hard time to do things like that if you are in the middle of a imapcopy windows download.

The configuration windowe provided as a file written using the JSON notation. Both the source src and the destination dst have these settings in common:. Set the hostname or IP address and the port to connect жмите the mail server and add credentials to login to the IMAP account. To connect via SSL set ssl to true. If your mail server certificate is invalid e. It is a good idea to keep this setting set to true for the source account at any time.

Of course, keep it set to false for the destination. NOTE: When doing a test run using the -test command-line option, then the readOnly setting of the destination is overwritten with true. Set the folder separator used by the mail server. Typically it is a dot. To preserve user-defined flags also known as "IMAP keywords" or "tags" in messages, set flags to true for the source imapcopy windows download destination.

If you want imapcopy windows download copy only specific folders, then list the numbers of the folders you want to copy here. NOTE: Привожу ссылку you imapcopy windows download onlyFoldersNum in combination with excludedFolderskeep in mind, that excluded folders will not get a folder number for the current run of imapcopy see also Folder and Message Numbers.

If you imapcopy windows download to copy only specific messages of a folder, then list the number of the folder and of its messages windosw want to copy here. This will copy only message number 7 of folder number 2 and messages number 8 and 9 of folder number If you do not want to copy only specific messages of folders, then set onlyFolderMessagesNum to empty:. If you want to copy only specific folders and imapcopy windows download some of these folders only specific messages, then you can combine onlyFoldersNum and onlyFolderMessagesNum.

This will copy imapcopy windows download messages from folders number 1, 2 and 3. Folder number 1 will downlkad copied with all imapcopy windows download messages, but imapcopy will copy only message number 7 of folder number 2 and messages number 8 and 9 of folder winodws The following setting will not copy any message from folders number 2 and Setting trimFolderPath to true will remove unnecessary whitespace from folder names before they are created in the destination:.

Using mappedFolders allows you to imapcopy windows download individual source folders to different destination folders or merge multiple downloda folders into one destination folder. NOTE: You must use the folder separator of the destination also for the source folder names! Using popFolder and pushFolder allows you to re-locate the source folder structure as a whole. After that, pushFolder can add parts to the beginning of the folder name to put it into an arbitrary sub-folder in the destination.

This will re-locate all source folders imapco;y the sub-folder Old Folders in the destination:. You can also combine popFolder and pushFolder. Skip to content. Star License GPL This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of imapcoph repository. Branches Tags. Could not load branches. Imapcopy windows download not load tags. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Many Wijdows commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this imapcopy windows download may cause unexpected behavior.

Are you sure you want to create this branch? Local Codespaces. Sign In Required Please sign in to use Impacopy. Launching Xcode If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. Launching Visual Studio Code Your codespace will open once ready. Latest commit. Git stats 47 commits.

Failed to load latest commit information. Jul 16, Feb 28, Apr 10, Imapcopy windows download 3, View code. Usage imapcopy is run from the command-line using the PHP imapccopy interpreter. This would load the configuration from the file config. Trash" ], Topics /9595.php mail email imap gmail migration mailbox account imapcopyy. Releases No releases published. Packages 0 No packages published. Contributors 4. You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your winsows.

You signed out in another tab or window.



Imapcopy windows download


Now start the actual email transfer by entering imapcopy. Groupware Client Next. The name of the Intra2net system. Copy Specify each account to be copied in a "Copy" command and replace the example lines with foo and bar. The 1. Prev Up Next Emails Home Folder number 1 will be copied with all its messages, but imapcopy will copy only message number 7 of folder number 2 and messages number 8 and 9 of folder number The following setting will not copy any message from folders number 2 and Setting trimFolderPath to true will remove unnecessary whitespace from folder names before they are created in the destination:.

Using mappedFolders allows you to map individual source folders to different destination folders or merge multiple source folders into one destination folder. NOTE: You must use the folder separator of the destination also for the source folder names! Using popFolder and pushFolder allows you to re-locate the source folder structure as a whole. After that, pushFolder can add parts to the beginning of the folder name to put it into an arbitrary sub-folder in the destination.

This will re-locate all source folders to the sub-folder Old Folders in the destination:. You can also combine popFolder and pushFolder. Skip to content. Star License GPL This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Branches Tags. Could not load branches. Could not load tags. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior.

Are you sure you want to create this branch? Before starting a full copy you should do a copy to a testuser with the commandline-option This will copy only the first message from each folder. After that you can verify that folders can be created and messages can be copied in general. Note: Some users reported problems regarding flags. With some servers the flags from the source server are not compatible with the supported flags on the destination server.

If you have problems copying mails, please try to enable the AllowFlags directive in the config file. Copy user1 domain. Copy user2 domain. Your mileage may vary. Just edit the source server and destination server in the resulting imapcopy. Yves is Technical Support Director at Vircom, and has been working in multiple capacities within the company over the past 2 decades.



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